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KSh 50.00

organic ginger has better and more intense taste, color, juice, and is packed with vitamins and health benefits.

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KSh 80.00
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KSh 100.00

Highly nutritious fresh sweet potatoes. Great source of fiber, vitamins and minerals. 

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KSh 150.00
Boosts metabolic rate and supports healthy digestion.
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KSh 50.00

Locally grown carrots full of vitamins, minerals and fibers that are good for your health. 

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KSh 150.00

 Locally grown fresh pumpkin rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants

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KSh 100.00

Beetroots are packed with essential nutrients and are a great source of fiber. 

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KSh 50.00

Fresh cucumber: Add them to smoothies, pickle them, make frozen treats, toss them in drinks, toss into plain salads or add them to stir fry.

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KSh 100.00

 Cauliflower provides powerful health benefits and It is a great source of nutrients.

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KSh 50.00

Kale contains fiber, antioxidants, calcium, vitamins C and K and Iron

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